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The Computer Professionals!

We can help to keep your systems up to date and Secure!Get one of our comprehensive reports!Visit some of our friends!Here's how to reach us!









Remote Training and Assistance via telephone/modem or internet

(must have appropriate software capabilities)

For online support software download, click here

($90.00 per hour rate - minimum 1/4 hour)

Special Package Offer:

Monthly update(s) and system maintenance (per month charge starting second month)
Initial month's charge for setup and first month's update(s) and maintenance

What's included:

1) Software setup and communication link established for ongoing system maintenance

2) Onsite visit if necessary to implement connection (may require additional fee if extensive time involved with hardware configuration)

3) FREE UNLIMITED Email support during each service month

4) First 20 minutes FREE Telephone Support during each service month (add an additional 10 minutes FREE Telephone Support for each additional system included in monthly service plan - see below)

5) Subsequent Telephone Support billed at ONE-HALF REGULAR RATE during each service month

6) ALL onsite service calls given 20% DISCOUNT off regular rate (payment terms apply)


Package offer for additional systems when included with initial system package above

Monthly update(s) and system maintenance (per month charge starting second month)

(Each additional system)


Initial month's charge for setup and first month's update(s) and maintenance

(Each additional system)



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